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Our 30th Year and the 2024 - 2025 Season Continue!

by Wendy Kout

directed by Warren C. Bowles

Survivors, a play about the Holocaust and standing up to hate, weaves together true, inspirational stories of 10 Holocaust survivors whose ordinary and joyful young lives were transformed by the Nazi regime. Illustrating the risk of normalizing hate, this work impels us to take lessons from the past and think about how we can create a safer, more inclusive community. Additional dates are being booked at other sites.


            LIMITED RUN, IN-THEATER PERFORMANCES                  

⦁ Thursday, January 23, 7:30 p.m.   

⦁ Friday, January 24, 10:30 a.m.

⦁ Sunday, January 26, 1 p.m. 

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Four women in Pasadena, California. A Holocaust survivor and math teacher for 20 years shares her wartime experience in the classroom; one student’s mother fights against this and ignites racist incidents; a researcher discovers archival documents revealing WWII evil that her boss wants to keep hidden; and a young Asian student recounts traumatic experiences in the community. Although each speaks from different moments in time, they’re part of the same larger story.

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1995 - Cretin-Derham Hall High School
Were you in the audience for our first show, A Shayana Maidel?
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Celebrating Our Past - Looking Forward to Our Future

Six Points Theater in the News

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