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BROADWAY WORLD: Six Points Theater Presents The World Premiere Of THE MONEYLENDER'S DAUGHTER This March

Don't miss this new play by Martin Coren, featuring JC Cutler's directorial debut in a professional theater and Robert Dorfman reprising his role as Shylock.

Feb. 09, 2024

At the end of The Merchant of Venice, have you ever wondered about Shylock and his daughter Jessica? Do they ever get together again? Do they reconcile?

Wonder no more. All your questions will be answered in Six Point Theater's next play.

Spawned from what many would say is William Shakespeare's most controversial play, this modern rendering is a dark comedy that takes place where The Merchant of Venice leaves off. In it, banished Shylock returns to see his daughter, Jessica, who is now settled into a happy Christian marriage. Their reunion sets them both on a journey of personal discovery and identity. This exciting new play explores themes of anti-Semitism and faith, and the many facets of Shakespeare's most iconic characters. 

Welcome to Six Points Theater's World Premiere presentation of The Moneylender's Daughter, formerly The Gentle Jewess of Venice, a new play by Martin Coren, directed by JC Cutler.


Robert Dorfman (Shylock) returns to Six Points Theater, playing Shylock again, having previously been in The Merchant of Venice at the Guthrie Theater. At Six Points Theater he appeared in Via Dolorosa and We Are the Levinsons. He also directed Oh my God! and the world premieres of Shul, Operation: Immigration and Groupthink. He currently heads up Wellsprings, the new play development at the theater. Other local credits include Guthrie Theater, (The Tempest, Playing with Fire, Sense and Sensibility, Indecent, Choir Boy, The Critic/The Real Inspector Hound, Freud's Last Session, Uncle Vanya); Dark & Stormy Productions, (And So It Goes, The Hothouse); and Children's Theatre Company, (Balloonacy). He has appeared on Broadway in To Be or Not To Be, The Lion King, Social Security and the national tour of The Drowsy Chaperone.

Shana Eisenberg (Jessica) is making her debut performance in this world premiere with Six Points Theater. For almost 20 years, she's performed throughout the Twin Cities including Artistry, Old Log Theatre, Stages Theatre Company, Full Circle Theater, Lyric Arts Main Street Stage, and Sidekick Theatre. When not on stage, she works as a Jewish song leader focusing on infants to pre kindergarteners. Having spent the last few years doing primarily children's theater and singing in front of toddlers, Shana's very excited to work on a more mature piece of theatre for a more mature audience. Many thanks for all the love and support in her life! 

Tony Larkin (Antonio) was last at Six Points Theater in The Wanderers, and in The People's Violin playing several characters. Previously, he was in Significant Other. A recent transplant from Atlanta, Tony's been working in professional regional theater for the past 30 years, beginning at age 10, when he was in the national tour of Camelot. Since then, he's worked all over. Most notably: Alliance Theatre (Atlanta, Ga.), Jewish Theatre of the South (Dunwoody, Ga.), New Repertory Theatre (Watertown, Mass.), Acorn Theatre (New York, N.Y.), Bank Street Theater (New York, N.Y.), Highlands Playhouse (Highlands, N.C.), Penobscot Theatre Company (Bangor, Maine), and many others.

Paul LaNave (Lorenzo) is happy to be returning to Six Points Theater after previously appearing in TRAYF, and before that, Significant Other. He has worked locally with Yellow Tree Theatre, Park Square Theatre, Dark & Stormy Productions, Playwrights' Center, Gremlin Theatre, and many others, and was a principal cast member of the award-winning Twin Cities-based web series Theater People.  

Neal Skoy (Launcelot) is making his Six Points Theater debut. Previously he has been seen at Jungle Theater, (Next Fall, Noises Off!); Park Square Theatre, (The Skin of Our Teeth, Airness); Artistry, (Noises Off!), Open Eye Theatre, (The Beldenville Troll, Scrooge in Rouge); Theatre Forever, (The Venetian Twins); Theatre Pro Rata, (Elephants Graveyard); Lyric Arts Main Street Stage, (Noises Off!, Flavio Betrayed); HUGE Improv Theater, Playwright's Center, Minnesota Renaissance Festival, and Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus. When he isn't performing, Neal teaches clowning and comedy, writes plays, and pets dogs.  

Production Artists  

JC Cutler (Director) last appeared at Six Points Theater in Uncle Philip's Coat, having previously made his debut in The People's Violin. For the past 38 years, he has made his home in the Twin Cities, performing in many venues including the Guthrie Theater (over 50 productions), Jungle Theater, Cricket Theatre Company, Park Square Theatre, History Theatre, Illusion Theater, Mixed Blood Theatre, Children's Theatre Company, and others. He's traveled to Dublin, Moscow, and Morocco for various projects and most recently to London for the premiere of Tony Kushner's Tiny Kushner. He's grateful for the life he's been able to spend in and out of the theater, due entirely to the love and support from his wife Judy, his kids, grandkids, and his two canine companions, Josie and Vinny.

Joining JC: Rick Polenek (Scenic and Properties Design), A. Emily Heaney (Costume Design); Paul Epton (Lighting Design), C Andrew Mayer (Sound Design), Brady Whitcomb (Technical Director), Jo Holcomb (Dramaturg); Elizabeth Desotelle (Intimacy Director); Miranda Shunkwiler (Stage Manager), André Johnson (Assistant Stage Manager), Martin Coren (Playwright), and Barbara Brooks (Producer) founder and producing artistic director of Six Points Theater.  


The Gentle Jewess of Venice follows Six Points Theater's sold-out hit Sisters in Law which was over 95% capacity sold with 2 added performances.

Now in its 29th season, Six Points Theater, formerly Minnesota Jewish Theatre Company, was founded in 1995 by Barbara Brooks to engage people of all backgrounds in work rooted in Jewish content, that explores differences, illuminates commonalities and fosters greater understanding among all people. The theater's work has garnered five Ivey Awards as well as the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council Arts Achievement Award.

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